Complications of masectomy - post op

New Contributor

Complications of masectomy - post op

Hi, I had my right breast removed due to a stage 3 carcinoma. I had 2 drains, one under my arm and one at my chest. Day 2 - the under arm drain was removed and Day 5 the rest was removed.  I understand there is some swelling involved, however, my wound has not spilt and fluid pours out of me. I'm wondering has anyone else experienced this? 

Super Contributor

Re: Complications of masectomy - post op

Hi Joey19,

I'm sorry to hear this.

While I haven't had breast cancer, I'm sure someone will be along soon who has.


Have you tried calling the hospital or seeing your doctor to make sure that everything is OK?



New Contributor

Re: Complications of masectomy - post op

I'm seeing me surgeon tomorrow and I've been seeing my doctor weekly. I was hoping here - I might be in the same boat as some one else. Or knew of anyone who had.  😊

Occasional Contributor

Re: Complications of masectomy - post op

Hi, I had a mastectomy last year.  I only had one drain which was under my arm. This was removed about day 5. I did not have any fluid leaking from the drain site.  I remember the nurses measuring the amount of fluid in the bag each day. If it was less than, I cant remember exact amount, they could remove the drain.  Some people can have their drains in for up to two weeks. Maybe yours was removed too soon. I cannot remember having any swelling just a bit of excess fluid build up that eventually disappeared.

Super Contributor

Re: Complications of masectomy - post op

As long as the fluid is coming out & not staying inside is a good thing. The fact that there is so much fluid may be a bit of concern - as Jane1 said, they may have removed the drain too early.

Occasional Visitor

Re: Complications of masectomy - post op

Hi Joey

I had a  double masectomy 30 days ago. I had drainage tubes running through my chest on both sides. They were removed after 10 days on a Friday. On the Monday I ended up in ER because of the excess fluid building up in my chest was building up in the middle of my chest putting pressure on it making it difficult to breath. They drained 110ml from one side and 55ml from the other. I have had my chest drained 3 more times since. I too have been asking questions because the literature I was given and what I was told is that its a 2 to 3 week recovery. I still have fluid and have since been told I might have fluid for up to 6 months. As it builds up it can be most uncomfortable and painful. I hope yours has settled down now.

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