May 2022
1 Kudo
Hi @Salival , I've read thru your posts & I'm glad you've come thru your surgery well. Captain Australia started a post on this sight talking about the side effects of head & neck cancer treatments. If you go to the 'Treatments & side effects' thread, I've floated the conversation at the top for you. There are a lot of people giving their experiences on that thread, so I hope it will give you an insight. Good luck with everything. Budgie
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May 2022
Hi Sam, It's good to hear you're going OK at the moment, & that you're talking your sons thru this time as well. Young children can understand a lot more than we often give them credit for. I'm glad to hear you have some support, but don't forget, there's always more if you need it. I bet you're anxious & excited to find out what the 16th will bring. Just remember thru this journey, everything should be what you want/prefer to happen. It's your body. If you don't like the sound of something, ask if you have other options. Me, I was diagnosed with stage 4 kidney cancer in August 2012. Nearly 10 years on, I'm still here, thankfully. I've had a few surgeries & radiation sessions along the way. But the majority of my treatment has been oral chemotherapy, a tablet I take every day. I've been on a handful of different Drugs as the chemo, as each one has stopped working for me, I've gone onto a different one. But the one I'm currently on has been the best. So, I'm one of the lucky ones to still be around. Anyway, I hope things go well with your upcoming surgery. Will you have someone to look after your boys while you're in hospital, & recovering from the op? Budgie
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April 2022
Hi @samstock74 , I'm sorry you are going through this, and yes, it is a scary journey, but welcome to this site. What chemo are you on & how are you coping with the side effects? Do you have a time frame of how long you'll be on the chemo for, or is it that you'll just keep on it until the tumour is small enough? Have you told your boys? They must be very worried about you too. How old are they? The Cancer Council has a number you can call - 13 11 20, & they will be able to give you some guidance. It's always best to talk about things, so if you can, talk with friends, family or social workers, or even a member of the clergy. Really, anyone you can talk to would be a big benefit. Most importantly, talk with your sons about what you're going through. They'll want to know, & like you, they'll be scared. Attitude is a very good thing to have when you're diagnosed. Don't let this illness beat you. Yes, it's scary, but do some research, as much as you can, so you know what options are available to you. Knowledge is powerful, as being forwarned is forearmed. I wish you all the best of luck. Budgie
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April 2022
Oh, 6cm is big. I can imagine just how overwhelming this all is for you both. But, on the bright side, if the tumour hasn't spread outside the kidney yet, then that is very good news. My advice regarding hospital staff & doctors - ask questions! If there's the slightest thing you don't understand, ask questions. Don't just trust in everything they tell you. Do your research. And don't be afraid to use Google, even though they may tell you not to. If you research through reputable sites like John Hopkins etc, you can be assured of good information. I have had some less than helpful medical 'professionals' throughout my cancer journey, and I just think that a lot of people will just do the minimum of what's actually required of them, & think that's all that's needed. I'm sorry I'm ranting, but I don't trust the medical profession like I used to. All the best
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April 2022
1 Kudo
Hi @Vickig63, I have kidney cancer; diagnosed in August 2012. I did have dizziness when sitting up from a lying position, & I'd have to sit still for a few seconds before actually standing up. But I don't think it was associated with the cancer. I still suffer from it. I never had any nausea or vomiting until after I started treatment. I have to say, your poor husband is certainly going through a terrible time. Do you know where exactly the tumour is in the kidney? As it seems to be quite a small tumour to be removing the whole kidney. I had my whole right kidney & adrenal gland removed, but my kidney was chock-full of lesions, & so large they had to take it out through the front, instead of my back. I do wish your husband good luck with everything. Attitude plays a very big part in how well he will progress, so I hope he has a good, strong one. Please feel free to ask me any questions if the need arises. Take care Budgie
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December 2021
@Dragonmaid2264 , I'm so sorry the chemo was too much. Was he offered an alternative or reduced dose? I'm not sure if that's even possible with his type of cancer, but it can make a huge difference in the side effects. I have terminal kidney cancer, so I don't know of the treatment for pancreatic cancer. I know it's hard to talk about, but sorting out the funeral will be a good thing done. Mine is all ready to go for whenever needed, & it just takes the burden & stress off my hubby when the time actually comes. It's a very good idea to access whatever help you can. There is also an expressive writing segment on this site where you can write all your feelings down. Another great outlet. I hope your daughter can fined what she needs here. Things are plodding along for me, thank you for asking. I am lucky enough to be in my 9th year of treatment. I take an oral chemo tablet every day, until it stops working. Unfortunately for me, this will probably be my last type of chemo, as I've been on most of the others available to me. They've either become too toxic for me or my body has become immune to them. So unless something new comes up on my horizon, this is my last. Having said that, I've been on this treatment since the beginning of March 2018 & still going strong. Not bad for something that was supposed to give me 10 - 12 months! So I'm not complaining at all. I hope you have more good days! ❤ Budgie
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December 2021
2 Kudos
Hi @Dragonmaid2264 , I'm sorry about your husbands diagnosis. Pancreatic cancer can be very fast moving, & it doesn't leave much time to comprehend everything let alone come to terms with it all. Your daughter would also be able to use this site as it is for everyone affected by cancer, & I'm pretty sure there is a group for young people here also. My advice to you is to talk about everything with your husband & daughter (if they want to) as it helps tremendously. If they don't want to discuss things with each other, a social worker or counsellor would be a great idea. You can also call the Cancer Council on 131120 & speak to someone. Your husband should be able to access a social worker thru his palliative care team, or thru a referral from his oncologist/GP. As @Wegotthis said, doctors are very often proven wrong with times given on how long a person is going to survive - it depends on SO much. Attitude plays a very big part, so I hope your husband keeps a positive one. I wish you & your family all the very best for Christmas & the coming year. You never know what the future holds. 🙂 Take good care All the best Budgie
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December 2021
2 Kudos
Hi @Shelleyt24, Waiting can be horrible, but instead of spending the time imagining the cancer growing, spend the time imagining it shrinking! It has been proven that your if you visualise something happening in your body, it actually helps. I know it sounds crazy, but it really does work, but you have to do it a few times, not just once. I dare say it won't get rid of the cancer, but it will do no harm, & can only benefit you 🙂. Try not to worry. Best wishes Budgie
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July 2021
1 Kudo
@mensana, has your oncologist or GP offered you anything to keep the nausea at bay? If not, ask for something; either Ondansetron or Maxolon are good; and try eating smaller meals, more often thru the day. It does help. Also peppermint & ginger are great for keeping nausea away. With water, try to only take small sips, not large mouthfuls. Things will get better, but they'll probably get worse first. Take it easy. If it gets to a point that you can't eat, see a dietitian. One should be included in your welfare team. Actually, don't wait till you can't eat, see one before you get that bad 🤪. Seriously tho, I hope you find ways to ease your side effects. Take it easy, & take care. 🙂
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July 2021
1 Kudo
Hi @Rico2018 , I'm glad you've finished your treatment. Your taste should come back, eventually. You'll just have to give it time. Regarding the medicinal or salty taste, I can't think of anything that will mask them. Good luck. 🙂 Budgie
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