Emotional Rollercoaster

New Member

Emotional Rollercoaster

Good morning everyone.

I'm new to all of this.m  sortu. My husband had his pancreas removed and when it when to pathology they found the cancer. We have found out that the cancer has not spread, and we have caught it  in time. But he still needs to go through 12 rounds of heavey hitting chemo. He goes in on Tuesday and has 2 lots of chemo, which take all day, and then he comes home with a portable bottle for two days. This happens every second fortnight. I would just like to know that if it is just me that finds this emotionally exhausted. I can have good days and then just one small thing can set me off and I just change and I hate our life at that moment. I am very grateful that they caught the cancer and we have my husband here with me, but it's so tiring being the main carer of my husband and our 2 beautiful children. Thankfully we are half way through his treatment and we can see a small light at the end of the tunnel. Sorry to complain. 

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Cancer Council Team

Re: Emotional Rollercoaster

Hi, I'm sorry to hear about your husband's pancreatic cancer diagnosis.  It can be challenging and isolating supporting someone with cancer.  Cancer Council NSW have some good resources for people who are supporting people with cancer.  If you live in Australia they also have a carer's Telephone Support group that may help you.  You can call their 13 11 20 support line telephone number, they can tell you about the support they can provide.

This is the link for the Cancer Council's information for carers - Caring for someone with cancer | Cancer Council


I hope you also get other support from the forum. It's important to get help and support for you too.

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