
Occasional Visitor


Thank you for the add to this site. I have recently been diagnosed with lung cancer and scans

have shown it to be contained in my right lung. I am awaiting news from doctor as to which treatment

will be most suitable for me. I also suffer from asthma and emphysema so may have some options limited.

I would appreciate any input from like sufferers who are further down the track than me.

Respectfully yours Paul54.....



















Regular Contributor

Re: Greetings

Hi Paul, just read your post. So sorry for your cancer diagnosis. I didn’t have lung cancer so can’t give you any input on that but I know what it’s like to have a cancer diagnosis.   Just trust that your doctor will give you the best possible treatment for you. Hope you have lots of family and friends to support you. Love and prayers to you. 💕🙏 Linda 

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Occasional Visitor

Re: Greetings

Hello Paul

I was diagnosed with stage 2 lung cancer in March last year. I had the top lobe of my left lung removed on 3rd June to remove the tumour and biopsy showed a lymph node was involved so 6 weeks later I started 3 months of chemo. The chemo knocked me around a lot but you do what you got to do. When I finished chemo I started immunotherapy which I am still having. The immunotherapy isn't too bad. It involves a treatment every 3 weeks and the side effects aren't as bad. I have a CT scan every 3 months and so far there are no further tumours. I live in Qld so I am not sure about the support systems in NSW but up here I have a really good Oncologist that will answer questions I have and there is a cancer support nurse that I can contact any time. I found it helpful to write down any questions I had between my oncologist visits otherwise I would forget to ask them. Good luck with your treatment and ask as many questions as you need to. No question is too stupid or trivial.


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