
New Member


Hello I'm Becky,


I'm 23 and currently in yet another battle with cancer. I was first diagnosed in 2015 with pancreatic cancer and was then declared free of it in 2019. But a scan this March revealed that it was back and has spread to lymph nodes and my liver and I'm now undergoing treatment again, this time it's being injected directly into my liver, so that is very painful. The prognosis doesn't look good but I'm determined to stay strong and never to give up. I love life and I don't want to lose this fight.


Nice to meet you.

Super Contributor

Re: Hello

Hi Becky, & welcome. I'm sorry you're suffering this horrible disease, especially at such a young age. But I love your attitude. Keep it strong & always look on the bright side, for it does make a difference. 😊
I hope the treatment works for you.

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