Metastatic Lung Cancer

Occasional Contributor

Metastatic Lung Cancer

My husband was diagnosed with Metastatic Lung Cancer, the cancer has spread to his liver and adrenal glands, this is slightly more difficult as he is also battling newly diagnosed Cushings Syndrome.  He commenced chemotherapy and immunotherapy almost two weeks ago. Since then, he has only been able to get out of bed for very short amounts of time to have his medication and minimal oral intake. He is very fatigued and does not feel like eating or drinking.  I try everything to encourage him to eat and drink, and would appreciate any advice, as it may be something that I hadn't thought of.

Cancer Council Team

Re: Metastatic Lung Cancer

Hello Karen,

Welcome to the online community.

Thank you very much for reaching out, I am very sorry to hear about your husband's diagnosis and loss of appetite.  Hopefully some of our community members would like to share information or tips that could help your husband improve his appetite. 

I will leave with you some links that could provide  information about side effects of lung cancer and chemotherapy.


Warm regards


Cancer Council

Online Community


How to manage loss of appetite


Chemotherapy for Lung Cancer





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Re: Metastatic Lung Cancer

Hi Karen,

Very sorry to hear about your husband. I don't really feel qualified to give you advice but I am going to share that I have lung cancer also and it is also in my trachea. Recently when I was going through chemo and radiation I found it very hard to eat. The Doctors and nurses kept impressing upon me to have a high protein diet in small quantities. Luckily, I like yoghurt and dairy products and I found that there are some very high protein yoghurts and deserts in the supermarket. I also turned to high protein shakes found in the chemist, plus I have an egg salad recipe made with cream and corn relish which I love at the best of times and all mushed up, it became a favourite. Another favourite was smoked oysters, again high in protein and cheap enough. Plus, there was vege mash.  Overall the high protein helped with my fatigue, and everything was a little bit at a time but as frequent as I could manage. I was on pain killers for my throat and believe or not strepsils helped too. Anyway, I hope maybe you can get something out of this and it helps in some small way. Take care and the best to you both.

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