My dads so sick


My dads so sick

He has liver cancer. It’s a large tumor and he’s suffering so much. I think it’s time he went to hoo but he says no. I’m doing my best and I’m his carer. I quit my job and money is tight atm. I have depression problems already and I try my best but I feel like a failure. Everyone says I’m doing good but that’s just telling me what I wanna hear. He’s lost control of his bowels and it’s horrible to watch - he can’t even walk. I feel so helpless and this is a call if desperation 

Can anyone help or give me advice? 
mum begging you may gid reward your input 

Regular Contributor

Re: My dads so sick

Hi Maher, I’m so sorry about your situation with your precious dad. You really need some medical help to advise you what to do. Is there someone you can contact to assess your dad?  You can’t do this alone and that’s just normal and you are not a failure. Please try and get some help. Love and prayers to you 🙏💕. Linda 

Cancer Council Team

Re: My dads so sick

Hello Maher,

I am so very sorry for what you and your dear dad are going through.

Please ask your self, "why do you feel like a failure" is it because you are not caring for your dad as you should? or is it because maybe there is nothing you can do to help him right now.

It must be so sad to watch your dad's health deteriorating in front of you, I am sure that you are  doing your very best to care and love your dad, so I think you feel like a failure because it is out of your power to make your dad feel better. As humans we always try to find something or someone to blame for those things that we can not change or improve, please do not be so hard on yourself.  Your dad right now needs someone to be there for him, provide love, support or just sit there next to him, and that special person is you, so think about that next time you feel like a failure, as it is not easy to care for someone and not many people will understand all the things you go through every day to give your dad the best care he deserves.

If you are an Australian resident, I would like to suggest calling 131120 our information and support number. There you can learn about our support and services, like counselling and telephone support group for people caring for someone diagnosed with advanced cancer.


Sending you and your dad my best wishes


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