New Transplant Patient

Occasional Contributor

New Transplant Patient

After two year of weekly chemo and endless trips to the Vince Lombardi Cancer clinic, I opted for the Transplant. I was pretty scared 


17 days ago I started the process. Get a massive dose of chemo that wipes out everything. The next day the transplant.  Then just about every emotion, and physical feeling. On day 5 I thought what a piece of I get put in my place?  Then it got very tough. Fevers, inability to taste food for two weeks. The stuff coming out of me was frightening.

Then feeling a little better each day

The last 4 days I'm just biding time until I can go home. I feel almost normal except for my GI tract. That can take a while I understand.  I'm all excited to go home and start my home isolation

One thing I did thru it all and I think It really helped was walk a lot every day broken into short walks

At home, before the transplant, I walk over 4 miles a day. It really helps to come into this as healthy as possible


More will revealed

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Regular Contributor

Re: New Transplant Patient

That’s wonderful news Jimi. It will be so good to get home. When I was having treatment for lymphoma I would keep up my walking, even if it was just around the house, I made myself do it. Now I’m 18 months past treatment and back to walking my 5km every 3 days!! So happy 🥰. Linda G

Occasional Contributor

Re: New Transplant Patient

Day 31 now and I'm feeling better. That 21 days in the hospital were boring. I am stronger every day. 

When you get down and feel sorry for yourself, reach out to friends. I'll update you later

Occasional Contributor

Re: New Transplant Patient

Thanks, Without my walking I'd be lost. 

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Super Contributor

Re: New Transplant Patient

Well done ,all the best with recovery 👍

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Occasional Contributor

Re: New Transplant Patient

Months later I'm doing well. I got my own place. I feel good most days


Getting 6 immunizations tomorrow as the transplant wiped them out.


One day at a time

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