
Occasional Contributor


Hi I was diagnosed with stage 4 bowel cancer on Tuesday and it has spread to my liver the tumors I found out today are huge 11cm in bowel and 5cm in liver. I start chemo on Tuesday and the hope is we can  shrink them enough to cut them out.

I am 38 normally fit and well I have 2 young children 3 & 5 which I am finding the hardest to deal with.

I have requested not to know any time frames for expected life as I would like to hope and pray with every bit my soul that the chemo works so after the initial round and the redo tests I think I will be more prepared to deal with that question.

it’s all still like a dream, one minute I’m positive next I’m bawling my eyes out.

I find comfort in reading through this forum as everyone is unique and no one asked for this path be we can share a become better informed and also not alone.

Super Contributor

Re: New

Hi @Lol099 

I'm sorry to hear about your diagnosis. It's a lot to take in and process so quickly.

I was 40 when diagnosed with stage 2 bowel cancer and like yourself I was fit and had 2 young children.


While it's important to be realistic about outcomes, it's just as important to live with hope for the future.

Seek advise on treatments and possible treatments, and do everything you can to give yourself the best possible chance at a good outcome.

Your life is not over and your treatment has only just begun. People can give a long time with treatment.

Don't just give in. Fight with everything you have.  You just never know what you might be able to achieve.



New Member

Re: New

Hey Lol099

My husband (31) was diagnosed with Stage 4 Bowel Cancer a bit over a month ago. We understand all the fears and tears! 

Fortunately his primary tumor in his bowel could be cut out but we to are now on a chemo journey to try and shrink the secondary tumors in his liver, at least 7 of them. The unknowns are the hardest part

I also can't believe what we are going through! 

But we can't loose hope, they are making amazing medical progress on metastatic bowel cancer and with age and fitness on your side (and my husband's) I to pray for amazing outcomes.

My best wishes to you and your family! 

Occasional Contributor

Re: New

Thank you some good advice
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Occasional Contributor

Re: New

Thank you I am being very positive I’m still here and doing everything as normal atm so I will remain focused and just fight every single day. Best of luck to you and your family it’s comforting to know we are not alone.
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Occasional Contributor

Re: New

Best of luck,  pray 🙏 alot.

I was diagnosed with Laryngeal throat cancer stage 4-5 weeks ago

Occasional Contributor

Re: New

Hi Lol,


Very sorry to hear if your diagnosis. I got the same as you and am working through my chemo.


I try to keep as normal as possible though it's not always easy. So many appointments to keep and wondering if you are going to suffer a side effect. I have been fortunate in this regard just suffering tiredness mainly.


Best advice I could give is if you have a faith it is of the most tremendous help to you at this time.

There was a study done where people with serious illnesses were divided into two groups. One had people praying for them, the other  didn't. The study result showed those who had someone praying for them tended to have a better outcome than those who didn't.


Let me know if you would like me to pray for you.


God Bless







Occasional Contributor

Re: New

I know you posted this in forum back in Oct and hoping your registration to this forum is still active. 
reading your forum was like reading my own diagnoses back in January. 
20cm tumor in bowel that was surgically removed but it has spread to my liver also. 
Only on my second round of chemo. 

How are you going? It all so scary even though I feel good. I don’t even feel like I have cancer but I really don’t know what that is meant to feel like. 

here is hoping your treatment is going well 💪💪

Occasional Contributor

Re: New

Lol099 , do you have an update on your diagnosis? I am praying for your chemo currently 😞 

Occasional Contributor

Re: New

Hello thanks for asking, well chemo reduced my tumors massively YIPEE was worth it, so are able to operate:) had a bowel resection 4 weeks ago no bag and recovered really well and due to have a liver resection end of April removing about 60% so considering it was inoperative I am so thankful I am at this point unsure of mop up chemo at this stage. 
how about you? 

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