Pancreatic cancer

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Pancreatic cancer

Hi, have just joined this online community.


I was diagnosed with metastatic pancreatic cancer in April 2022 which spread to my liver.  I have been having chemo ever since, though that has changed over time.  I started on Folfirinox but this was modified due to side effects.  Tumors in my liver have reduced or are non-detectable and I continue to respond to chemo based on last scans.

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Re: Pancreatic cancer

I also had pancreatic cancer - as you know  it's the worst type of cancer.  Folfirinox is very powerful  and i was given an alternative because of my age.  It is good that your liver is responding well and i am sending you all my good wishes for continuing improvement.  My grand-daughter said to me if there is an obstacle that you can't go above or round, you have to go straight through it. And that's what i have done... no other option!  All my best wishes and i hope your friends and family are helping you.  Xxx

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