Seeking other women’s experiences of uterine cancer

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Seeking other women’s experiences of uterine cancer

Hello Everyone

I am new here and hope everyone is feeling as well as they possibly can today.

My story ..........

In 2014, I was dignosed with Breast Cancer at a routine mammogram appointment. Wow, such a bolt from the blue and totally unexpected.

My GP said, ok double mastectomy.

I was floored and decided I would get a second opinion which I did as my tumour was only 0.9cm and Stage 1, Grade 1.

I had a lumpectomy and 29 sessions of RT.

I recovered really well and whilst I’d had a big shock, I got on with my life and put it behind me. 
Fast forward 6 years and I started to have pale, watery orange vaginal discharge. I had just started walking 5klms a day and put it down to that as I was nervous about going to the GP with Covid around as my elderly parents live in my house with me.

I left it for a few months then reluctantly saw my doctor who sent me for an internal ultrasound which showed a thickened uterine lining of 9mm. I was referred to a specialist who took a biopsy and fitted a Mirena IUD.

A week later, the surgeon called me and told me over the phone that it was cancer and I needed a hysterectomy which I had last November. Tumour was approx. 5x2cms, had gone through more than half of the myometrium and I had very minimal LVSI.

Stage 1b and Grade 2. 
I had 30 sessions of RT.

I now feel a real mess as I can’t get past the fact that I will be dead in a few years (I’m 63).

I have some antidepressants but I have feelings of absolute terror 4 or 5 times a day when I think of my death.

My GP says I have PTSD from 2 shock diagnoses but that doesn’t take away my absolute fear.

Uterine/endometrial cancer has high chance of recurrence and prognosis is poor.

Is anyone in my shoes who would be happy to correspond please ?

Thank you


New Contributor

Re: Seeking other women’s experiences of uterine cancer

I had endometrial cancer in may 1 2020…..

i was stage 1 grade 3, I share your sentiments as living in fear of what if, but unfortunately I understand intellectually you’re ruining your today by living this way….

the only thing you can do is be on top of things as they occur, be proactive, demand to be seen when need be and seek support…

i saw a psychologist for almost a year and I learned some techniques on how to put my anxiety at bay and how to learn to be grateful moving forward… you can’t undo what happened , but you can change how you frame things moving forward….

be and stay well


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