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Hi, I'm 33yr old mum of two boys and have been diagnosed with LCH. I am really suffering with alot of guilt at the moment and don't know how to navigate it. I feel guilty with pretty much every aspect of life. I feel guilty if I'm exhausted and nap during thr day, I feel guilty if I don't feel like my house is clean enough, or feel guilty that I don't feel that into getting physical with thr hubby atm, I feel guilty if I'm too exhausted to play with the kids at thr end or the day... 


Then there's the changes that chemo is doing to my body... I don't feel like myself at all, I cut my hair off when I got diagnosed which was empowering, but between that and thr steroids assisting in weight gain.. im not feeling sexy, it doesn't help that my hubby isn't very touchy feely (hugs etc) so I'm really just feeling so crap and I'm only 3 months in ... 9 more months of chemo 😞

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Re: Struggling

Hi Lostgirl, I can’t imagine having little kids while undergoing chemo. No wonder you’re feeling overwhelmed 😢. All the things you’re feeling guilty about are out of your control so you shouldn’t feel guilty. Try and tell your husband exactly how you’re feeling if you can. If you’re honest about your feelings it can help. That’s how I got through the chemo for lymphoma. Especially if you’ve got nine months to go you need emotional and physical support. Love and prayers to you 🙏💕 Linda G 

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