Update in regards to my situation

Occasional Contributor

Update in regards to my situation

Well what a roller-coaster rude I've been on, still no end in site but still trying to roll with the punches. I saw a new GP who is more helpful than my previous GP who was bloody hopeless. My new GP has given me a referral to see a new oncologist and has stated on the referral letter what's been happening and how I have passed my 3 month on the public waiting list. I will be making an appointment shortly. That's kind of positive news. I had the hospital patient liaison officer call me the other day and informed me that the specialist I was seeing is on a 6 month public waiting list, I've done half of that so apparently I have to wait another 3 months or if I'm very very lucky I can be called up at any time, which I find hard to believe now after every thing that's happened. If I had $25000 this specialist would see me and operate on me tomorrow without any dramas 😤 the Liaison person said that they are slowly starting elective surgeries again and they will start with the elderly first. Im still  praying🙏  that I get that willy wonka golden ticket and get an admissions date.

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Re: Update in regards to my situation

Hi Crewzin, well at least that’s a step forward for you with a new GP. Hope another oncologist can see you sooner or at least give you some answers. You’re doing the right thing by being proactive for your treatment. Keep fighting the system. 💕🙏 Linda 

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