Support for people with brain tumours

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Support for people with brain tumours

Did you know that we run a telephone support group for people who are living with a brain tumour? This group is accessible to people located all of Australia!


The aim of the group is to provide emotional support to participants, helping them to feel less isolated. It also provides people with an opportunity to share information and openly discuss the concerns and challenges of living with a brain tumour.


There is no cost to join and members can participate as often as they wish around medical appointments and other commitments, with many participating from the comfort of their own home. These groups are a safe and confidential meeting space for those who might not have other people to connect with in their community. And, the groups are facilitated by trained health professionals.


Andrew has participated in the telephone group since 2017. He finds that "hearing what other people are going through and what works for them gives me support with what I am going through…I find strength from the others in the group. Thank you to Cancer Council for this service."


Even with a wide diversity of location or personal situation, members say that talking with others who have also been diagnosed with a brain tumour gives them a lot in common and lots to talk about.


Leonie, a Wiradjuri woman and artist, has been in the group since 2015. "I am proud to do the welcome to country at each group. the group is very helpful as it means we can talk about our tumours with everybody & share with each other. Talking together gives lots of different suggestions in how to deal with what we experience."


The Brain Tumour Telephone Support Group meets for an hour-long phone conversation on the first and third Monday of every month from 1.30pm to 2.30pm (Eastern Standard Time). Participants are connected into a conference call.


The needs of carers are also recognised with the opportunity to talk to others in a caring role in the Carer’s Telephone Support Group. Though not a tumour specific group, carers can support one another through their shared experience, and feel less isolated.


If you would like to know more about Cancer Council’s Brain Tumour and Carers Telephone Support Group please call the team toll-free on: 1300 755 632, enquire through the Cancer Council Information and Support Line: 13 11 20, or email us:

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