Chemo treatment

Occasional Contributor

Chemo treatment


 I was hoping someone could help me.

Soon I'll be having Chemo: Gemcitabine and Carboplatin, has anyone else here had this mix of chemo?

I would appreciate any info on side affects etc.

I'm a bit scared, and think talking to someone else whose had this will help me.





Cancer Council Team

Re: Chemo treatment

Hi Cindi


It can be scary starting chemotherapy.  The best people to speak to about specific treatment combinations is your oncologist.  This can sometimes feel a bit overwhelming, but they are used to answer questions.  You could write questions down before you go to see them or take someone with you.  If your in Australia, you could call the Cancer Council's support line - 13 11 20.  This is some information re the side effects of chemo, it's not specific for your combination.  

If you're struggling with the side effects of your treatment, it's important to speak to your oncologist or cancer nurse, quite often they can help you. 


Chemotherapy | Cancer Council

Occasional Contributor

Re: Chemo treatment

Thank you so much for your response. Appreciate it x

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New Contributor

Re: Chemo treatment

Hello Cindi, I completely understand how you're feeling right now. Facing chemotherapy can be really daunting, and it's natural to feel scared and anxious about it. I haven't personally experienced Gemcitabine and Carboplatin, but I know that connecting with others who have been through it can be incredibly helpful. Remember, many people have faced similar treatments and come out stronger on the other side. It’s important to stay hopeful and keep believing in a positive outcome. You’re not alone in this, and there are communities and resources available to support you. If you can, try to connect with others who have had the same treatment—hearing their experiences and advice might make a big difference. And please don’t hesitate to reach out for support from friends, family, or support groups. Wishing you strength and courage as you begin this journey.


It is also extremely important to choose only reliable pharmacies to obtain the necessary medicines of the best quality, the result of your treatment depends on it. My personal recommendation is a reliable pharmacy, which I have been using for a long time, I have never had any problems with it


You’ve got this!

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Occasional Contributor

Re: Chemo treatment

Thank you Dannyd, your advise is good, I'll try to be positive, yes I'm sure Ill get through it all ok, just hard waiting.

Thank you 🙂

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