Double Mastectomy, side effects and be aware during different recovery years

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Double Mastectomy, side effects and be aware during different recovery years

Double Mastectomy, side effects and be aware during different recovery years

In 2015 I was diagnosed with right breast cancer and had mastectomy.

In 2020 I am considering left breast mastectomy instead of reconstruction because of prevention and congenital lower back medical condition and pain.


I have been advised to look out for skin cancer around the wound area.

I am afraid and like to know please:


- the side effects of double mastectomy during the difference recovery years


- what to be aware after double mastectomy


- does the constant tingling and pain always stay?


Thanks so much for sharing your experience.

With much appreciation



Super Contributor

Re: Double Mastectomy, side effects and be aware during different recovery years

Hi Agnes1,


Welcome. I'm sorry to hear about your breast cancer.

I haven't had mestectomy (or breast cancer for that matter), but hopefully someone who has will be along soon.

How are you going now after the mastectomy?



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