Facebook a help?

Occasional Contributor

Facebook a help?

I don't know about anyone else here, but I'm a face booker and I just updated my status and spilled the beans so to speak (not so easy for a bloke) wow the support I got from my friends was amazing, I was gob smacked really, made me feel better that's for sure. Getting this off my chest seemed to make me see things in a brighter way! I'm going to get my body moving as much as I can to lose a few K's and get ready for surgery, I know it is the right thing to do so why not just do it? Going into this as positive as one can be, 5 km walk planned first thing tomorrow... Anyone care to join me?
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Re: Facebook a help?

I usually do 6k every day with the dog but can't do anything yet. As soon as I'm back on my feet I'll virtual walk with you. Promise. You don't mind if I bring my dog do you ;-) I've kept this journey off FB because all my family is in the UK and I couldn't see the point in stressing them out until I had a diagnosis. But then I got my diagnosis and it was all over and done with. That said, all my family and FB. Friends know I've been poorly and like you, the support has been great. Keep focused and positive? Eva
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