Hi I am new and need some advise about borderline tumors on ovaries.

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Hi I am new and need some advise about borderline tumors on ovaries.

Hi My name is Niki and I'm 42 years old and a week ago I had my right ovary and tube removed because their was a suspected growth. At the time of surgery the frozen section was inconclusive so they closed me up to wait results. We got results on Wednesday. It was a borderline tumor which was benign thank goodness. However the doctors have given me two options. Their preference is to do more surgery and remove uterus, cervix, left ovary and tube , appendix and omentum. Or I can have 6 monthly ultrasounds for 5 years. I would like to hear from anyone who may have had to make the same or similar choices because I'm leaning towards the surgery because I don't know how I would handle the 6 month wait each time but really don't know much about any of it really. I'm just a bit lost!
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