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Hi I am new here

Just newly diagnosed with liver cancer, no details until I see the oncologist on Tuesday and find out what treatment is possible. Feeling positive some of the time, but not right now. Would like to hear from someone in a similar situation. I am 73 yrs old, female and live alone except for my three cats. I have a good support group of friends, but haven't told family yet. Don't know how.
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Re: Hi I am new here

I am a partner to a man (60yrs old) who was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in Oct 2011. A whipples was done in early Nov 2011 and Gemcitabene (Chemo) started for 6 months. I thought that was a terrible time. In June 2012 he was diagnosed with mets to lung and up until August 2013 he has 40+ lesions and his CA levels are at 14,000. He decided to have further chemo being Folfrinimox and required a port to be inserted into his chest for this. His treatment is 1 dose every fortnight over 8 weeks. He has just had his first and its another roller coaster ride. Its difficult when you are so close to someone going through this as they often push you away as he says I don't understand as I am not going though it. I am a nurse and a clinical educator in a hospital and I am finding this terrible difficult to deal with and see him go through the mental and physical rollercoaster. A man who cannot cope with the severe side effects. Has anyone been through this treatment and what was the outcome. I would appreciate any support, help advice and at the moment a shoulder to cry on.
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