Kidney cancer - angiomyolipomas


Kidney cancer - angiomyolipomas

Hi all Grateful any advice on anyone out there who has had angiomyolipoma tumours on their kidneys? I regularly get haemuturia & kidney pain from a benign disease, which usually resolves in under a week each time the membranes rupture.  However, I have had both symptoms for over a month now, so was sent off for a review ultrasound last week. Two solid cortical masses were found on one kidney, so I was sent off for a contrast CT scan.  The CT scan confirms that solid masses and gives an indeterminate diagnosis of angiomyolipoma tumours.  I'm waiting now to get in to see in a urologist... from what I have been able to find out so far, the tumours are generally benign, however, they are neoplasms, which can be benign, pre-malignant or malignant.  The GP thought that I shouldn't be getting the pain if they are benign, so who knows....  Hard to do the 'wait and see' approach given my mum-in-law had to do this (was diagnosed just before xmas hols and everything shut down) and hers started spreading in a month. If anyone's had these tumours on their kidneys or other organs, it would be helpful to get your insight.  there's nothing on the Aust'n kidney website, but there was on the UK kidney foundation website.... doing the positive thinking thing as at least they're small enough to cut out. many thanks Zoe
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