Long-term effects of radiation

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Long-term effects of radiation

Good morning everyone. A question please on the effects of radiation to the pelvic area. I had my 28 days of radiation last year. I still get pains up the top of my legs. I have asked my gyno & oncologist and they just say "mmmmmm". I know that when they explain the effects of radiation not everything can be covered, but hey!!! does anyone else have this problem? Thanks again
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Long-term effects of radiation

Hello friends, Well, I have been given a possible answer to my problem. Three weeks ago I had a pelvic reconstruction. I saw my radiation oncologist on Monday this week and he asked about the tops of my legs. I haven't had any of the pain since the procedure. My radiation oncologist  said that because my lymph nodes had been removed and with the radiation as well as no pelvic floor that can cause the pain. It feels so good now. Now all I have to worry about is the crook knees!!!  
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