Lumbar Puncture Chemotherapy

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Lumbar Puncture Chemotherapy

Hi all,  I have dozens on Lumbar Punctures in my Chemo Protocol. I have Burkitts Lymphoma. 
I was very nervous before the first one. Left that one traumatised and terrified. Was meant to have second one today but didn’t go to plan, anxiety and panic took over and I ended up in shock, shaking. The team called off the chemo for today. Now completely traumatised and panicked for future ones. 
It’s the feeling I hate, leaves me sobbing, no pain because of local anaesthesia. 
Any tips on how to get through this? I am left feeling like I want to give up on treatment completely because of how traumatic this is for me. I cannot, it’s lumbar punctures, or die , unfortunately. 

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Cancer Council Team

Re: Lumbar Puncture Chemotherapy

Hi Jess18,

Thank you for joining our community and for reaching out  and sharing your experience with chemotherapy. It seems that fear and nerves are taking the best of you and I do not blame you.

I hope other community members would be able to share their experience with you and perhaps answer any questions you may have.

If you are an Australian resident and would like to talk to a professional please call our support line on 131120.


Warm regards


Cancer Council 

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