Pneumonectomy - removal of whole lung


Pneumonectomy - removal of whole lung

Hi everyone, Its been a long time since I have posted here. I am 33 with stage 4 bowel ca. Just after some personal experiences with pneumonectomies. If you have had one or know of someone who has had a whole lung removed, I would love to know how quality of life is affected after. My good lung is well.....good! But I have 3 little boys to run around after, how will I be physically after such big surgery? Will I be ab;e to function well enough to still do most things I do now? Or will I be mainly confined to the couch? I need to get a bit of an idea / vision of what life is like with only one lung, this surgery is not scheduled yet but likely to be before the end of the year. Your stories would be helpful Thanks Mihalo
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