Preveloda (Capecitabine)


Preveloda (Capecitabine)

Hi to all!
I am 39, and was diagnosed with a triple negative breast cancer (no metastatic). A year ago I completed my chemotherapy and had radiation afterwards. My oncologist suggested that I should be on Capecitabine as a monotherapy for a year (as an adjuvant -extra - therapy). I begun taking four pills per day of 500mg each. Can anyone tell me his/her experience being on Capecitabine as a monotherapy? Im worried about hair loss. My oncologist says that i will not lose my hair (again.....) but the SPC of the drug mentions alopecia as a common side effect. Can you tell me your story? Thank you and be well!

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Re: Preveloda (Capecitabine)

Hi Mariagr,


I'm sorry to hear about your diagnosis.

How has the treatment been so far? How are you feeling?


I have had chemo in the past, but not capecitabine.

Hopefully someone  will be along soon who can tell you of their experience with capecitabine and hairless.



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Re: Preveloda (Capecitabine)

Hi Mariagr,

I can't help with your query but I'm curious, I too was diagnosed with triple negative breast cancer (nonmetastic) and have had my surgery, chemo and just finished radiation.  My oncologist hasn't ever mentioned Preveloda.  Did you also have surgery to remove the cancer?  I'm wondering if that is the difference?  I'm also older than you.

Thanks in advance for any information.  Hope you keep your hair on. 

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