Prostrate Cancer

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Prostrate Cancer

Evening, I have just commenced hormone treatment for prostrate cancer and welcome any comments as to what I can expect over the next 12 months. Chatham
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Re: Prostrate Cancer

Hi Chatham, I'm sorry to hear that you have prostate cancer; it takes a while to get one'ss head around it. I have been on HT for almost 6 months and I commence radiation treatment on Monday. For me HT has been ok ; just regular hot flushes (flashes) and a slight loss of energy. I'm not quite sure whether the tiredness is directly due to the drug (Zoldex) or whether is due to interupted sleep due to the hot flushes at night. The loss of libedo happened within 3 weeks and has remained so since. My testicles and penis seem slightly smaller but nothing of concern. I have had no appreciable loss of hair or growth of man boobs yet but I still have a year to go. My Gleason score is 9 (4+5) and my tumour is T3a, and my PSA on diagnosis was 4.2 It had doubled in 2 years. What is your Gleason score and tumour stage? In summary, the hot flushes and the slight tiredness are less than I expected and for me its evidence that the HT is working. You will likely have a blood test and check up about 6 weeks after HT begins. My testosterone before HT was about 7 and it dropped to 0.3 and my PSA dropped to 0.6. Are you having radiation later? Cheers Zol.
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