Side effects ???

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Side effects ???

  1. Hi, I had surgery on 25th March to remove enlarged lymph nodes on the side of my pelvis. They removed about 3of them and found cancer, they removed 80% of the cancer and planned 5 weeks of radio therapy. Last week the hospital informed me that I have othe masses going from my pelvis up to just under my left kidney and I will need to also have chemotherapy.  Not sure what to expect regarding side effects. These cancers originated from endometrial cancer I had 9 years ago and they apparently aggressive and are grade 3 cancer.  Nine years ago I had a hysterectomy  to get rid of the cancer but no radiotherapy or chemo. If anyone can enlighten me, it would be much appreciated.
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Re: Side effects ???

Hi Donnat

When having chemo as  individuals our body reacts differently my mate has chemo fortnightly he is on a maintenance program for rectal cancer has three days off work the week he has it ,then back at work till next dose,as chemos are different so are side effects,try and go there with a open mind,I had fatigue and nausea and little appetite during mine but friends with the same chemo had little or no side effects,drink lots of water to help flush your system,hoping your chemo treatment is not to harsh for you.Time will tell


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Re: Side effects ???

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