Surgery prep and hospital tips

Occasional Contributor

Surgery prep and hospital tips

I've recently been diagnosed with chondrosarcoma and will be heading in for limb-sparing allograft surgery in mid-February. The last few weeks have been a bit of a whirlwind of activity, inactivity and a lot of emotions. 


Right now I'm focused on preparing for surgery and getting things as ready as I can at home and looking for any tips you may have.


For the hospital visit (3-5 days), I've made a packing list that includes

- lip balm

- tissues

- non-slip socks

- phone charger

- kindle

- earphones

- gum

- notepad and pen

- hair elastics

- hand cream

- clothing and toiletries


I've bought a bunch of aids as the recovery is likely to be at least 12 months according to the surgeon

- toilet seat

- shower chair

- crutches

- height adjustable table for the bed


I have an appointment scheduled with the GP later this week to arrange a disabled parking permit.


What else do I need to be considering?

Cancer Council Team

Re: Surgery prep and hospital tips

Hi Mandabum,

Good to see you are very organised person 🙂

I think you have covered everything, but I would like to suggest perhaps some little snacks 🙂 sometimes we may feel like eating a chockie or something yummy, also a little desinfectant spray for the toilet?

Hopefully other members would like to suggest something else.  Personally my phone and my online games are a must 🙂


Warm regards and best wishes 


Cancer Council

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Regular Contributor

Re: Surgery prep and hospital tips

Hi Mandabum,

I'm really sorry you're going through this but I know you are in the hands of experts and you just have to trust that everything will go well.


A few years ago I was being taken to ICU following surgery and a lovely nurse pressed a tube of paw paw cream into my hand and told me to use it often throughout the day as I'd had mouth surgery, had a tracheostomy in, as well as a feeding tube.   My lips during the recovery stayed pristine even though  they became dry, I had no breakages or cracking of the skin there and it was really soothing.  I thought to myself I would always keep a new tube of the paw paw cream and give it to anyone I met along this treacherous path.


Only have nighties with short sleeves as they will need your arm veins for various IVs.  Bring your own tissues - I like Kleenex large and thick as softest and you will probably cry on some days.  Rest and sleep as much as you can.  If you can't sleep as hospitals are very noisy places - ask for something to help you sleep.  Best healing takes place when we sleep deeply and long enough each night.  


Wish you every success in getting through this.  


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