Tonsilar cancer.

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Tonsilar cancer.

After 35 rounds of radiation and three large doses of chemotherapy my husband has burned salivary glands to point of no saliva at all. He cannot eat anything but has  Ensure 2 cal six bottles per day. He stays quite healthy but in 12yrs since this treatment they tell us his throat is still burning from radiation which causes pain on scale of one to ten on a good day the lowest it is a 5 but basically even with opiates it’s still between 5<and 8 or 9.Norspan patches one weekly 30 mc and liquid morphine are the daily medications. 
Has anyone had similar problems please



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Re: Tonsilar cancer.

Hey there,

I'm really sorry to hear about your husband's struggles. I can relate to some of what you're going through. My experience might not be exactly the same, but I can share how Casodex  (bicalutamide)  and Cialis (tadalafil)  helped me.

Casodex was prescribed to me as part of my treatment for prostate cancer. It's meant to slow down the growth of cancer cells, and I found it helpful in managing some of the symptoms and side effects of the disease. It's important to note that everyone's experience with medication can be different, so it's essential to work closely with your healthcare team to find what works best for your husband.

As for Cialis, while it's commonly known for its use in treating erectile dysfunction, it can also have other benefits. In my case, it helped with some of the urinary symptoms that I was experiencing due to my prostate cancer treatment. Again, it's crucial to discuss this with your husband's healthcare provider to see if it might be a suitable option for him.

It sounds like your husband is going through a lot, and I hope he finds some relief soon. Don't hesitate to reach out for support, whether it's from healthcare professionals, support groups, or loved ones. Wishing you both strength and comfort during this challenging time.

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