If anyone out there has experience with Velcade for Multiple Myeloma (MM) I would love to hear from you with some advice.
I have been on Thalidomide for 2 years but my tumours have grown and are getting out of control. Worse, they have spread to my head and other hip.I already have them in my shoulder, left hip, several ribs and spinal cord compression. I am only 53.
I start Velcade next week and I am concerned with the side effects.I have already had chemo and radiotherapy and a bone marrow transplant a couple of years ago but was told that Velcade is different to all of these. Also I found that I was allergic to Dexamethasone (that's a good thing) and the BM transplant nearly killed me. I was very close to death from it.
What can I expect?
Also if anyone has tumours on their skull from MM, what are your symptoms and side effects from that? This scares me the most as I have started getting headaches for the first time in my life and am getting very forgetful and confused.
If you have MM or have dealt with this PLEASE help if you can.