thankyou for sharing your experiences it helps alot!. my cervical cancer is abit tricky because it started at the top of the cervix not the bottom, which immediatly compromised my uterus. after exploration under aenestethic the surgeons fellow spoke to me and said there was also a nodule in the bladder. The thing about surgery that scares me is that they might not get it all or that it can hide in the cells, so im thinking very seriously about the radiation/chemo option, despite the fact that internal/external rad/chemo scares me as well, these are awfull desisiions for a known coward like me. There is a radiation/chemo mix which has shown to have great results with cervical cancer, my onco said, and i found an english site (reputable) which spoke of this and named the drug as cisplatin mixed with radiation, and said that in many cases it kept the cancer from returning, and for those whom it did return they found it took longer than would normally be to return, has anyone had experience with this?, p.s. im with the rwh in randwick