Dear Jodielee12
I am sure drinking an infusion of lemon grass won't hurt you so if you wish to then go ahead and if it helps you to feel in some control that is even better.
However, if I had a $ for every substance that kills cancer cells in a test tube I would be a very rich person. One of the reasons is that it is called in vitro, not in vivo. Cells that will grow in a test tube are rather specialised and usually bear little resemblance to cancer cells growing inside a person or an animal. Normal cells will not grow in test tubes for any significant time. Scientists do have established animal and human cell lines that will grow in test tubes and they are used to tell us a lot about basic biology, particularly of cancer cells. They can also be useful as a very crude screen to see if substances will kill cells, i.e. if they are cytotoxic. It is interesting that they have been able to show that the cells are dying as a result of restoration of apoptosis. I am surprised that this has not been published in a mainstream scientific journal - after all many of our current cancer drugs come from natural products were discovered as a result of routine testing, starting with cancer cell lines in culture - test tubes if you like - the taxols, the vinca alkaloids are two that spring to mind. However, what goes on in a test tube bears very little resemblance to the what happens in a living body, which is why drugs have to be tested in animals. Unfortunately, the animals typically used, mice, metabolise things differently to humans in many cases, but they are a better predictor that cells in test tubes. That is why, after a long process of testing in animals we eventually have to test them in humans and phase I trials are the first step. These look for toxic side effects and what doses can be given to a human. Phase II trials look for activity against specific cancers, and phase II trials compare activity of new drugs against existing treatments to see if he new drug is better.
The above is a bit of a simple explanation of very complex phenomena. There obviously are many pages that could be written. But, just because something kills cancer cell lines in a test tube, does not say it will do so inside a human body.
I have a great recipe for beef done in a sauce containing lemon grass.
So we sailed on to the sun
Till we found a sea of green, Beatles, Yellow submarine
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