The last time I blogged, things were really dire and messy, I had no idea what was going to happen and I was scared out of my mind as Rob had his first CT since diagnosis.
Well, some good news, perhaps to give some of you hope. Rob was given the all clear last week!!!
No more cancer is present in his body at this time! YAHHHHHH!! I am OVER THE MOON! While we're not out of the woods yet, this was such a boost for us and it has renewed our strength to finish off Rob's treatment.
Rob has been getting rather bad neuropathy of late, so his team have decided to stop the Oxaliplatin for his last two cycles. We're so close to the end, so we don't want any permanent nerve damage.
I must admit that the past week was quite hard emotionally for me. When I mentioned it to an acquaintance, they rather bluntly said to me 'What's the problem? He doesn't have cancer anymore!'.
Hmm well that is true. I've been on hyper alert since July last year, now after these results, I can relax a little. Only thing is, I'm not sure how to do that. Not too mention, all these emotions have been pushed aside for so long, last week they all came tumbling out in a big ole mess! Now that I can relax a little, I have really come to see how exhausted I really am - I'm rather burnt and toasty.
Good thing is, now I can take some time to look after me, especially as I got sick again last week. Pure exhaustion, I think. Friday, I slept for 4 hours in the afternoon and it was the best sleep I have had in... months! I've got out for dinner, shopped with hubby and just relaxed in general this past weekend. Plan on doing it again next weekend LOL.
I think Rob thought he would sail through the past week but I can see he's struggling with it all too. We are both so happy to have come this far, but like so many people here have said, it does take it's toll (how could it not?); I think Rob is finding it difficult, just like I did, to come off hyper alert and try get back to 'normal'.
Good news for me. As some of you know, I had a road accident in 2006 which wasn't my fault, it has left me rather banged up. Just after I lost my job, my solicitors announced that the TAC have granted me a Serious Injury Certificate. This means I can sue under common law for damages and it has, to say the least, taken a big weight off my shoulders.
The settlement conference is in early March and hopefully, it will settle on that day. I'm not entirely sure how much I may be getting but Rob and I have started to look at house plans and I've test driven my next car! I'm nervous but excited as once settled, Rob and I will be set up quite well.
I haven't found a job as yet; I'm doing some part time temp work which has taken some of the strain off us so we're managing. The TAC news really took some of the pressure off us and we're just taking a day by day.
Isn't it amazing that one week, your life can feel like it's crumbling but the next, your life is right where it's supposed to be? The past couple of weeks have been a real rollercoaster but it has filled me with hope that life will get better now.
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