Hi. My name Is John and live on the Northern beaches. I have malnutrition at 55 and battling that when the lump appeared. I missed some appointments with my Gp and with other people. i looked up on google that 90 % of neck lumps were nothing to worry about If you can move them around. It Is really close to the artery and after many tests there Is NO PRIMARY!!! So, because of delays the lump is now over 2cm and is being cut out In the first week of September. At first I was given no chance , then some good, then some bad. I am worried about everything from my Dad who I care for to people I have always helped. I have nursed the old and cancer plus pschologically disturbed people. I have done so much study in that area plus generally for many years, so when It happens to you and noone except the Gp and the hospital seem to care more. I hope to connect with people , like me, in the same or similar position to discuss carers friends, support after hours like an A/H , If any exist, in my area. that are suffering and see If we can help one another. I have so much to offer In the way of medical and mental issues. I have run out of steam and fearful . I have to stop cigs too! I used to love fishing,surfing,archery plus OPERA SINGER, for now. I know there are worse stories, but there Is a lot more to the lead up. Anxiety plus malnutriton, starvation are not a good mix.Depression and the rest are all avoidable, by simple rules and behaviours. I have been clean of alcohol for over 10 years and this Is how I am rewarded, plus a F/T house carer for half a life time!!!! I am open to any suggestions or advice that anyone wants to take the time out. Praying, John.
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