Hi there,
Good for you for coming to this site and posting your first blog.
It takes courage but you will find that it can be such a release to be able to offload your feelings instead of having them continually churning throughout you.
I am sorry to hear of your father's diagnosis. Nothing can prepare you for the instant and dramatic effect that it has on you when a person you love is diagnosed with this insidious disease.
How is your Dad currently?
How do people deal with this? There is no easy answer and no magic pill. It is a matter of 'do what you have to do to get through each day, sometimes it's to get through each hour. Whatever works for you is the 'right' way and the 'best' way for you.
Expressing how you are feeling is a HUGE part of the process, use this site to offload whatever you are feeling, do it in the knowledge that people here 'get it'. Life isn't what it used to be, the insignificant things that work colleagues and friends complain about can be very irritating when you are faced with losing your precious Dad.
I wish you and your Dad strength and courage.
Kind regards,
Mrs Elton
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