Thanks for the advice on the website, much appreciated. We've only just found out about the Carers program in the ACT - a great idea and we've started stumbling over how we're going to manage to keep working while looking after hubby's mum. Hopefully we can get some advice on how best to manage. I'm fortunate that I've got 5mths sick leave that I can take as carers leave (I think), but my hubby is on a contract and has used up his sick leave and has about 2wks holiday leave left. His sister has just about used up her leave too so information about the employed carers website is very timely indeed The home based palliative nurses have started coming out, which is a godsend as she had some breathing probs just before chemo started and it avoided a trip to A&E. Unfortunately another stint in hospital but this time she was put in the onco ward and the care by nurses, docs and social worker etc was absolutely fantastic!! The social worker gave us all sorts of information for her and us on practical things eg Centrelink, oxygen at home etc etc and popped her head in when she was in having her 2nd cycle of chemo the other day. We all went and saw My Fair Lady last night which was great - her life is revolving around treatment and medical appts at present. It has been a hard road emotionally the last couple of weeks as she's reached the point where she can't safely live on her own (the breathing attacks are random at any time of day & night) and the doc doesn't want her to drive anymore. She also made the decision to stop work so her life has turned upside down. Her employer is a good friend of 20yrs+ and is happy for her to work casual hours when she's well enough to, but the pain has escalated out of control, even with substantial increased dosage of meds. The pal care doc is coming out this morning to review her pain meds and she said she's come to the conclusion that she'll have to be doped out of her eyeballs to keep on top of the pain (up til now she's tried to keep as alert as possible/only taken minimum pain meds to take the edge off). Whoa, my fingers are getting away from me so better draw to a close before this becomes war and peace again. Best wishes to all and for any women out there who haven't yet done a Look Good Feel Better workshop (, it is highly recommended. My mum-in-law had a wonderful time on Tuesday at the workshop and said she enjoyed being able to relax around other women in the same boat as her. Take care all.
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