I was diagnosed with cervical cancer in October 2008. On 1st December 2008 I had a total hysterectomy and was told a week later that they got all the cancer. We had got it so early that I didn't even need treatment.
Since then I've had checkups and each time they came back negative so this meant an op to burn off the lesions.
My last checkup was about 2 months ago. I received a letter from my gyno telling me that, again, test were still showing a low grade lesion. He wrote that any more operations would be difficult. He had sent all my info of to a top specialist in Sydney.
I saw my gyno on Monday and the specialist feels that the cancer has returned but my gyno doesn't think it has. The reason the specialist feels that the cancer is back is because the top of my vagina is all red. I have found out that that is not a good sign.
The specialist had worked out a course of treatment. I'm having HRT treatment for 15 days then my gyno wants to do a biopsy on the site. This will be done under general so that he can have a real good look and also that there will no pain on me.
Since Monday I have been a complete mess. Much worse then when I was first told I had cancer. But last night I fought it head on. I broke down completely and was so frustrated with what I was feeling that I let loose 2 almighty screams. I woke this morning feeling sensational. Today I never even shed a tear.
I'm not saying that I won't cry again, cause I know that I will, but I know how to handle it. I will just let all the frustration out by screaming...
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