Hi all, I am caring (medical appointments as mum will not tell the doctors the truth and leaves out important details)for my mum who has primary liver cancer, it is such a maze and feel really bad when I want to complain.
Mum was dx in April 2011 and had chemo and beads nothing worked, is on sonafib and that has not worked, was only given to september 2011 but mum is really well, that is the confusing part of this disease, the uncertainty.
I have the problem of mum not wanting people to know she is sick, so I email family members with all mums updates, she will not take her scripts to her chemist, I need to take them to the hospital so her chemist will not know she has cancer.
mum is only 70 years old and was really active but the symptoms from her drugs have made her house bound which is really sad.
sounding like a whinger at the moment, but the uncertainty of this journey sucks.
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