November 2013
Hi there
Thank you so much for your post earlier I will look for the information you mention on the site.
I am so sorry to hear of your loss. My thoughts are with you and your family.
Many thanks
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November 2013
Hi All
I am new to this site and have recently had my mother in law diagnosed with two GBM IV in early October 2013. She has had surgery 3 weeks agon on one tumour that was located on the right side above her ear and the other one (which is smaller) is located in the forhead region and is apparently inoperatble due to location (I belive this would significantly effect personality in this area). She is currently on Kepra and Dex to prevent seizures and growth of the tumours. Chemo (tablet based at home)commenced a week and a half ago and radiation therapy starts this afternoon.
The most significnat effect of the medication that the family is struggling to deal with on a day to day basis seems to be the aggressive tone of her conversation and getting quite emotional and aggressive about things that on the surface seem to be very petty. Has anyone else experienced this? I am struggling to understand how much of this behavoiur is controllable and what is not and how we should approach her when her behaviour is what would be unacceptable in normal circumstances (obviously what she is going through is not normal however). I am seeing her pushing her family and closest friends further and further away and I fear this will get worse as the fatigue from radiation is added to the mix of medications her body is enduring. Would love to hear from anyone that has experienced similar circumstances and how you have learned to accept/deal with this behaviour for a GBM patient.
I would love to see her happiness and quality of life maximised for what ever time period may be granted to her and what I can do to ensure this happens for her.
Love to all going through emotional times, thoughts with you
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