Hi, my partner has had brain radiation Fatigue set in in the last week or so of treatment, and for a few weeks afterwards. Some hair, but not all, fell out. He ended up with a rather cute mix of curly and straight hair. There was no nausea and little impact on appetite. But one thing I'd watch for is dental problems. After a lifetime of healthy teeth and gums, my partner ended up with 11 fillings within six months of treatment and I think in the two years since it is now up to about 20 - we've lost count. He'd never needed a filling previously. The dentist did say radiation can hit the saliva glands and his pattern of tooth decay suggested that cause. Mind you, we've since heard that some chemo drugs can also have that effect. It may be worth her visiting a dentist beforehand and taking extra care of her teeth afterwards, or at least asking the radiation oncologist about it.
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