Hi Janet,
It's kind of inevitable to think about cancer about 90% of your time especially at the beginning. That would drain you emotionally, mentally and physically. It did happen to me and I believe it happens to everybody.
There are several coping strategies that I saw:
Turn to religion
turn to meditation
turn to natural remedies
turn to exercise
turn to diet
turn to healthy food including things like juices natural extracts etc
turn to learning about the disease
turn to violence
turn to denial
turn to things most people will label weird stuff
Most important is to restore your peace of mind to some acceptable level so pretty much all of these will help in that respect.
Most of these will have no medical impact but the mental impact will be great and that will yield physical benefits.
Another important thing that few people will tell you is that most likely nothing you did caused the cancer because to a good extent cancer is inevitable.
Anybody telling you differently is ignorant or ill intentioned in the matter in my opinion and that is based on my research.
All the best,
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