Thanks Julie,
My wife went with me, but I spent a few days previously reading lots of material, and had built up enough knowledge to be dangerous, and plenty of structured questions for the oncologist. (I can't help it - I'm an engineer!). Knowledge is power, so I felt in control to some degree and able to ask sensible questions, and get logical discussions going.
By the way sites you might find helpful if you're not already aware of them are
Anyway the meeting went well, my brain is clear, but the bone cancer was in more bones than I realised, but early stages.
I'm starting today on Tafinlar and Mekinist which are relatively new drugs - I'm about the 10th person on this in the hospital in Geelong, tablets taken orally, with usual potential side effects of tiredness, fever, skin problem (including new skin cancers).
I'll have another PET in 3 months we'll see if they're having the desired effect - so a waiting game as always.
I hadn't heard of your type of Melanoma - hope you've got a good up to date oncologist. Are you happy with your treatment? Have web sites been helpful to you?
Good luck..think positive
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