Hi Everyone, My name is Sally, I am the wife and carer of Tony who was initially diagnosed in 2013 with Stage 4 prostrate Cancer, we were told without treatment Tony would have less than 12 months of life with us .
As the caner had spread to his kidneys and lungs it was inoperable. His original PSa level was 540 with zolodex treatment his PSa level came down to .12. He has been in 'remission' for 18 months . With monthly PSA checks , two months ago it started to rise, last month it rose again, a MRI is showing the prostrate is completely full of Cancer, they have put him back on zolodex and now waiting to see if the cancer factory ( which I call coloured smarties) gets swallowed by the zolodex or we go to the next blasting station. As we all know this journey of this word we are dished out has a profound effect on our lives . I hope yours is smiling today 🙂
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