Hello Captain Sounds Like things are moving on and as we discussed before we had very similar treatment, in my experience the mucous went away but then left a dry mouth. I'm sorry but I didn't document things as you have so the timing evades me some what. I couldn't take anything remotely acidic for a long time (I think at least 12 months). I remember eating a mango ,and looking so forward to at but it burnt my mouth. I lived on weetbix with honey for ages. I was a Asian food lover but chilli was out of the question for years as was a glass of wine. The good news is it did come back I enjoy a good green curry now and a glass of red. It took 8 years ( sorry ) for my tastes to return to pre treatment, and it took some months for me to develope a palate that allowed me to enjoy food again. I had and still do have acupuncture ( I get a top up every two years or so), this was a great success for me after my first try I was able to eat a pice of toast ( small pleasures ). They put needles in my index fingers and my ears over two consecutive days and "spit" came back. It's definitely not pre treatment but much better than it was. I hope this gives some hope , hang in there it got better for me but hard yards for sure over a long time. thanks Jonas
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