Hello, my name is Mel and I never imagined I would be posting on a cancer forum. Four days ago I was diagnosed with incurable bowel cancer. We currently don't know the exact spread of the cancer and will be undergoing a PET scan and keyhole surgery. I was sent to the emergency department with flu like symptoms including chills, fever, headaches and vomiting a couple of weeks ago. The initial diagnoses was that I had atypical pneumonia, however I was also showing signs of severe anemia which is not a typical symptom of pneumonia. So after more scans, scopes, blood tests and eight days in hospital the doctors returned with the diagnosis of incurable bowel cancer. My bowel cancer unfortunately did not present like normal bowel cancer and I was therefore unable to catch it in time. I had visited my local GP about 4 months ago complaining of stomach pains, and it was diagnosed as bad constipation. I changed my eating habits and everything was ok. I am 35 years of age, currently working fulltime, studying part time and have just purchased a new house with my partner. I have been told by the doctor that I might get 2 years with treatment, 6 months without treatment. I am kind of in two different mind sets at the moment, one trying to be positive, still making plans for the future, eating healthy, contacting doctors, ect. The other is making a living will, funeral arrangement, life insurance, ect. Personally I am currently physically and mentally in a good place, but it's so hard watching others that your care about and love going through the grieving process. Having to tell you parents about your diagnosis, seeing how scared your parent gets about the thought of living without me. I guess I just wanted to share my story and hope to connect with others that may be going through the same experience. I have a great network around me, but their experience with this is a little different. Hope to chat with you all soon, Cheers Mel
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