No you are not a cry baby ,you are very brave. Cancer is not an easy diagnosis to deal with it is life changing and to then be told you only have a certain time to live must be one of the hardest things to hear and come to terms with. people are funny creatures sorry but this may sound bitter , some only react to or believe what they can see. When my mum had been told she only had so long she was very very brave outwardly but probably not on the inside. One day I was out having coffee with her and someone said " Alice you look really well" even to my ears it sounded like they were saying there can't be much wrong with you. My mothers reply was " I only have three months to live" you have to seen any move to fast as the person who made the statement. My heart went out to my mum and I wished I could make here better. At one point I thought I had lost my mum before I did as she was changing in front of my eyes and I did not know what to do. Now I realise the best thing you can do is be there, you don't even have to say a lot. Some people don't see this , sometimes it is good to try and tell people how you feel. You may find that some may surprise you and acknowledge what you are saying and be there in the best way they can. My life has changed since I got cancer and I know it is not easy in all sorts of ways. Be true to you and try and do something that makes you happy every day. Even just looking at nature and taking it in can bring peace. We are all finding our way.
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