Joe@ [ I also use a tincture called Red Root which does seem to help unclog some of the lymph backup (every other week for 3 days, max 20 drops a day for me] Hi joe, Thanks for that info, i'll have to give it a go and see how it goes. I mainly just rub the palms of my hands down my neck to force the fluid down into Heart area where it can hopefully be pumped out. Hope you are doing well. all the best to you. Cheers Maurie CathV@ [I've had several bad nosebleeds due to the friable state of my blood vessels. Last week I had to go to ER because I had a bad one. Just discharged from hospital last Monday] Hi CathV, Sorry to hear, Hope you are doing better now. 🙂 wishing you all the best. One day at a time. Cheers Maurie Mahootna@ [I am six years post treatment so have a pretty good handle on what life will be like for you from now on. The saliva function never fully returns as the radiotherapy treatment kills some of the glands and they never repair] Hi Mahootna, I unfortunately know what you mean. It sure is a pain when eating out like you mention. I too rely on soups and a lot of gravy on meals. I can eat some meats if i cut it up fine and smother it in gravy, Fish is easy to eat for me it just kind of melts in your mouth. I'm still taking the protein drinks for breakfast though as I find it easier to just shake the bottle and swallow lol. My taste still hasn't fully returned and I'm not expecting it to. Chocolate now tastes absolutely disgusting to me. I guess this is the new Me and will have to live with it. Hope this see's you well. cheers Maurie. Bill@ [my mouth continues to go from dry as the desert to foamy like a rabid dog to sticky and disgusting and a few night i have trouble sleeping since my mouth and throat are so dry my tongue sticks to the roof of my mouth and i need to take a swig of water but my mouth feels numbs afterwards...the doctor has never heard of] Hi Bill, I chew sugar free gum to help with saliva stimulation and also suck on Sugar free sweets. Probably not the healthiest options but they help a lot. if you are still finding foods hard to eat and taste terrible try the Ensure protein drinks. They will at least keep your weight up until you get some of your taste back. "You probably already are on them drinks" Keep trying though with soups, runny pasta and sauce, scrambled eggs even though I know it tastes like roadkill. Fish too melts in the mouth if you cope with that. With recurring thrush, Dr.s tend not to like keep prescribing Fluconazole as it can damage the liver. If you can find kefir in the supermarket or a health food shop and if it's the genuine product, drinking it will help kill off your Thrush. I used it with the EX when I lived in Latvia for awhile. It was actually prescribed to me by a Russian Dr. Tastes utterly crap but now days with little taste I reckon I could drink a whole bottle and not gag lol You can also get creams from pharmacists to spread over your tongue and inside your cheeks as well, If all else fails then by all means see your doc for Fluconazole. In regards to the Mucositis, I used to get a product called Mucosoothe from the Oncolgy dept at the hospital. it was a thick pink gel with Lidocaine in it and it worked a treat. You would swish it around in mouth and back of throat then swallow it. It would numb your mouth quickly and only cost $5 a bottle but that was with a prescription, without a prescription the pharmacy would charge $89 a bottle. Unfortunately I cannot get it and send it to you as Customs here will confiscate it and even if it did clear customs here I believe Customs at your end would also confiscate it as well. Your best bet is go back to your Doctor and get a prescription for Dukes or Mary's mouthwash and the pharmacist will make it up for you. I think though it may cost a bit. There is also a mouthwash in the US called Caphosol (Available on script) which may help alleviate the Mucositis. Magic Mouthwash though is much much better. Wishing you all the best Bill and to all the members of this Forum. I go for my one year post treatment PetScan on the 24th of March and see Oncologist on the 31st. I'm remembering the late Michael Becker as this scan approaches. Cheers Maurie
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