April 2020
1 Kudo
I scratch my head at this and think am I the only one who is seeing the information put out and yet masks are not recommended. The facts I have seen is that a sneeze will propel large droplets out to 2m and finer mist droplets out up to 8m, another fact is the virus is spread from droplets from an infected person, either airborne or picked up from surfaces where it can survive from hours to days. Another fact is we have to stay 1.5m away from another person. Another fact is that WHO and the government say a mask has no benefit trying to avoid catching the virus. Advice seems to seriously contradict the facts here. BUT... I see an article today where someone must have told them they could be wrong about masks. Anyway I follow my own judgement and put my mask on when going to Bunnings or the supermarket. https://thenewdaily.com.au/news/coronavirus/2020/04/03/coronavirus-spread-through-breathing/?utm_source=Adestra&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=COVID-19%20-%2020200403
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March 2019
The gumbi gumbi is not known to effect any medications so can’t see any reason not to take them while doing chemo. There is info on them at this site www.inetherbal.com
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March 2019
4 Kudos
As far as gumbi gumbi goes it is one of those amazing plants that have many health benefits to us, and there are quite a few other plants that can, have and do benefit in the treatment of cancers. Because these herbal treatments are not used by pharmacutical companies nor approved by FDA & TGA doesn't mean they don't work. Because of the years gone by that these herbals have been used for there are thousands of testimonials where people have removed their cancers with them. You only have to join the many facebook discussion groups on cancers and the relevent ones to those herbs used to treat them to see the large following and testimonials as people use them solely or in conjunction with modern treatments. Some of these herbs are cannabis, it has proven time and time again as a treatment for cancer and many other conditions but what politician wants to walk into the nightmare of legalising it for medicinal treatment here in Australia. Another is Bloodroot powder taken in capsules mixed with other know cancer fighting herbs like Graviola and Cat's Claw. Testimonials for Bloodroot seem to cover many types of cancer. Another is Essiac Tea, you can't deny the history of this american indian herb mix used by nurse Rene Caisse to cure many of her palitive care cancer patients in the early 1900s. The secret of the herb mix is it has to contain sheep sorrell 'roots', not just the aerial parts of the plant. Then there is our Gumbi Gumbi only found in Australia, it has thousands of years of history to be the number 1 medicine tree of the aboriginals. It is being studied by universities around the world to discover it's secrets scentifically, the University of Greifswald Research Centre in Berlin found that treating rats with Gumbi Gumbi leaf tea stimulated tumor necrosis factor production… thus killing cancer cells. It has many other uses one of which is boosting immune system, even if you elect chemo treatment Gumbi Gumbi can be beneficial in trying to repair the immune system that the chemo is going to kill. There is nothing wrong with including a herbal treatment with modern treatments, and those that refuse the modern treatment or have no further modern treatment available still have something to fight with in these natural herbal treatments.
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