Hi Archie, Good news/bad news. I finished Friday. Have had the horrendous throat since week 3. You name it, I've tried it. Am now on Fentanyl. BUT, I must qualify that. I seem to have both a high pain threshold and a similar "ignorance" of pain management. I used to think that coping with pain was an asset - but not now that I understand that my "system" ignores the pain management solutions too! So, here is what I have/am trying: - soluble panadol every 4 hours (I have trouble swallowing everything, and I mean, everything) - soluble Advil (it's the kids version) every 4 hours (so, every second hour there is something soluble swallowed, with effort/pain). - OxyNorm (an Opiod) also in liquid form - Fentanyl (began this post my last session on Friday - main issue is they need me to eat and drink - that's been a massive challenge for the past 4 weeks). Am down to 56 kilos at 173 cm. All of the above is under the care of the oncologist. Here is what I can eat: - weetbix that is very soggy - KFC potato and gravy - Continental pasta and sauce that is not tomato based Everything else has created more impact that it's worth. i.e. there is either acid or some other ingredient that creates issues with ulcers/mouth and then throat (including yoghurt). Even all of those liquid based drinks that everyone kindly recommends are not tolerable (so, smoothies, sustegen, the high cal pharmacy drinks). But, by all means, if you can cope with them, try these liquid drinks ("Ensure" was what the hospital dietitian wanted me to have - couldn't manage it). My number ONE tip = it is far easier to eat in the morning. i.e. the throat deteriorates over the day. So, spend as much time and effort as possible on eating early and often. PLUS, don't forget that the 10 days post (I've been told) are worse in terms of side effects. In other words, eat as much as you can as often as you can now. Since last Friday I have not noticed any worsening of the throat (but this could be the Fentanyl). BUT, the burns are definitely worse/need more regular dressing. Counting the days........
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