Mandy I really know how you feel, and people who never had cancer dont really understand. You are strong and feel you have to be able to cope but you are not having an easy ride. I was thinking when I was reading your post about you being able to get some help thru your family doctor, e.g. being referred to a conscellor that deal with cancer. If you could possibly be able to offload everything onto someone else it would be so helpful to you. Just because you are strong doesnt mean you dont need help, it is not a sign of weakness or not being able to cope it is just that having cancer is such a hard road to travel and very emotional I know because I have travelled this road myself. I received my pet scan results before Christmas which showed all clear, but it is trying to rearrange your life a different way. Ask at the hospital if they have anyone to help you or as I said before go your doctor and seek help., dont be put off. All these worrying and stressful situations dont help you at all with your health. Please get back to us to let us know how you went.
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