Super Woman!! Hmmm that sore throat, not sure, your naturopath friend could help there and take a look. Mention it to your dentist. When the mucosa lining our throat gets dried out or even just a weeny bit that is a big open door for bad bacteria to settle in and inflame and proliferate causing a cold. It can happen to anyone anytime. I would rinse the mouth and then gently (with the softest brush possible) brush the teeth, gargle with salty water for 30 seconds to kill the bug, and then rinse the mouth with cool/warm previously boiled water. Then if you have a teaspoon of Organic honey, or a milky drink or eg custard that might soothe your throat. A lozenge like Strepsils (I luv the sugar-free lemon or strawberry) will kill a bug and I always have them in my handbag for emergencies. Best not to kiss anyone, but then again we live in COVID times. Watch the inflammation. You are exercising a lot. Yes you put us all to shame. But could you be overdoing it a tad? and that can stress your body as well not only in terms of joints and muscle but cortisol (which is damaging) and interferes with blood glucose, it's all connected, sorry : ((. A lot of exercise would require extra water, replenishment of electrolytes* (because you are sweating), extra antioxidants from wholefoods (veg fruit fish meat nuts grains) and extra protein (after the workout) because of the wear and tear of bone and muscle. And then you will need good sleep for the repair work to happen during the night. It's all about balance. Woman to woman, have you had a bone density test yet? Are you doing the meditation thinggy? *Hydrate but also replace Electrolytes (potassium, magnesium, calcium and sodium) : think in terms of banana or fruit with some nuts (potassium), milk (calcium), seeds/grains/beans/leafy greens/yoghurt/fruits (magnesium), a tablespoon of salted nuts/an olive/celery (sodium chloride). Or just have a natural yoghurt and eg banana smoothy or hummus dip with wholegrain rice crackers or cheese, tomato, avo on wholegrain. And, there's protein in all of these : )) You will replenish, and aid the development of muscle which is so critical to health, systems balancing, movement, and ageing. Have a great Sunday!!
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